NOTE! As soon as a project is deleted, there is no way to restore it; so it may be better to archive it see article Flex: Archiving and retrieving an archived Project or Winner Design Archiving and retrieving an archived project for how to do this.
IMPORTANT: Deleting a project does not make the project number available again.
Winner Design and Winner Flex desktop app
- Open the project that will be deleted.
- Click Project on the menu bar and choose Delete...
- Click Yes to confirm.
The message Current project has one or more active quotation(s). You have to reset this status first. might appear when trying to delete a project. To reset the status and cancel the quotation,
Select the alternative with the sent quotation.
- Select the Quotation drop-down and choose Cancel quotation.
- Confirm the decision by clicking Yes.
Note: If the order process has progressed further than the quotation, each step has to be cancelled before the project can be deleted.
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