Since you can use Flex on different devices (including tablet devices), it is helpful to load or take a photo and add measurements and notes. It is also useful to use when you're with a client to sketch out ideas.
With the whiteboard function, you can write or draw something fast and highlight content on an image using the Whiteboard toolbar. Access the document later from anywhere via the Flex platform.
Using the Whiteboard you can either:
Create a new whiteboard drawing
Upload an image and add notes, measurements, symbols etc.
Edit an image that is already on the Flex platform
New whiteboard drawing
Go to the Flex platform.
Select Documents from the left hand menu bar.
Click on New whiteboard.
Select Free Drawing.
You can now use the tools to draw, add notes, measurements, symbols etc.
Note: Once you have started drawing you cannot load a background image unless you clear the contents of the whiteboard.
Upload an image
Go to the Flex platform.
Select Documents from the left hand menu bar.
Click on New whiteboard.
Select Load image.
Browse to where your image is stored and click on Open to load it.
You can now use the tools to add notes, measurements, symbols etc.
Edit an image that is already on the Flex platform
Go to the Flex platform.
Select Documents from the left hand menu bar.
Click the tick box at the side of the Graphical document to be edited.
Note: you can only edit .jpg, .png or .bmp file formats.
This opens Detail View on the right of the screen.
Click on the ellipsis icon
Select Edit Image.
You can now use the tools to add notes, measurements, symbols etc.
When you have finished editing, click the Save icon
Click as required:
- Don't Save
- Save
- Save as = saves it as a new Whiteboard document
The whiteboard toolbar
Whatever option you select you will see a toolbar on the whiteboard:
Note: some icons only appear or become active dependent on what you have already drawn or uploaded.
The toolbar section 1Note: the selected icon changes to a gold color.
This comprises of the following tools:
Select - used to select existing edits to action things such as deletion, change color, move to front/back etc.
Free drawing - turns mouse pointer into a cross that you can use to free draw with.
Text - click with the mouse where you want to enter text and a drop-down font size box becomes active.
Measurement - select a unit of measurement draw a line and manually enter the value.
Insert basic figure - choose a shape from the drop-down box, then draw it out using the mouse.
Insert symbol - choose a symbol from the drop-down box, then draw it out using the mouse.
The toolbar section 2 and 3 when no image loaded
This comprises of the following tools:
Brush size - sets the width of the line on free drawing tool and border width.
Border color - sets color for border of inserted shapes.
Fill color sets color for fill of inserted shapes.
Load background image only active when the canvas is completely blank.
Rotate canvas - Rotates the background image by 90 degrees clockwise. Note: This is only active whilst there is nothing placed on top of the background image.
The toolbar section 2 and 3 when image already loaded
The Load image button is replaced by Remove image and Rotate button becomes active.
The toolbar section 4 and 5
This comprises of the following tools:
Move - brings one selected item forward or back, use the select tool first to pick what to move. Note: you cannot move things relative to your uploaded background image as this is now your canvas
Duplicate - use the select tool first to pick what to duplicate.
Delete - use the select tool first to pick what to delete.
Clear canvas - wipes the whiteboard clean, including the background image.
Save - saving a whiteboard means it remains editable whilst in Flex. Note: when downloading, or sharing it becomes a PNG picture which is not editable.
NOTE: If you hover over any icon it gives you a tool tip.
Use the toolbar in the bottom right to zoom in and out.
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