The Dashboard provides a quick overview of key indicators in your business. It shows figures relating to all your data across your company. The Dashboard adds value for company managers because it makes follow ups very easy, regardless of physical work location.
The Dashboard is user specific, so each Flex user can configure their preferred view to show statistics that are important to them. It is created by a collection of widgets. A widget is a specific area of information.
This article explains what widgets are available, how to configure the dashboard to display your requirements and how to use settings to filter the data.
There are 7 widgets available in total, but the default dashboard only shows four of them. However it can be configured to show as many as you require.
Overview KPIs - Displays figures such as the Number of Projects, Designs, Lost Projects, Total Sales, Gross Profit, Sales Orders, Average Sales per Customer, and Conversion for a selected time period.
Note: These can be shown as overall company, per shop and, per user.
Sales Comparison - A graph showing sales for a current time period against a previous time period.
Recent Projects - A list which shows all recent projects from the showroom you have logged into.
Recent Contacts - A list which shows all recent contacts from the showroom you have logged into.
Average sales per customer - A graph which shows the average sales per customer.
Sales - A graph which shows sales for a selected period of time.
- Profit/Cost - A graph which shows profit and cost over a selected period of time.
All graph widgets and the Overview KPIs widget have settings available (which filter the data). These are accessed by the More options icon at the top right of the widget.
The settings can be changed when configuring a dashboard, but you can also change the settings once the widgets appear on the dashboard. As soon as you make a change to the settings, the widgets will refresh to show the new data. Once you have chosen settings they will remain in place until you change them. For more information see Settings below.
Note: You have different settings possibilities per widget.
Configure Dashboard
Click the Configure Dashboard icon on the top toolbar to configure the dashboard. The 7 available widgets show across the top in the grey section, scroll across to see them all. It is possible to drag and drop each widget into position.
Most widgets offer settings, which act as a filter on the data. If you select some settings whilst you are configuring the dashboard then these settings will always be applied by default when you view your dashboard. For example, the Overview KPIs dashboard could show all orders, unless you decide to filter by salesperson, by showroom, or by time period.
Note: If you do not like how you have configured the dashboard you can click the reset button to revert back to the default layout.
Settings to filter the data
Within Settings you can set the filters to customize the selected widget.
When selecting Showroom or Salesperson you can select one or more from the drop-down menu below.
When selecting a Period of time the actual dates of the period will be shown.
All the widgets have a filter to show the numbers per Showroom, per Salesperson or the Overall company total.
Note: The Sales graph will be populated when making an order in Winner Flex desktop app using the options quotation acceptance and order to supplier(s). When both these options are completed it will count as 1 Sales Order. Combined quotations will also appear as 1 order but the value will be the total amount of the two quotations.
The same widget can be added to your dashboard multiple times with different filter settings applied. This allows you to display, for example, sales results for different sales people, or showrooms, next to each other.
When different showrooms or sales people are displayed on graphs, they will display in the same colors across all of the widgets.
Next step: Reports