In this article you will learn how to access default Company settings, add edit and delete Users, create and edit User roles and assign users to them, create, edit and delete Number range rules, create Custom fields and look at Locks, Licenses, User Licenses and Log.
The Admin area is accessed by clicking the Settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar on the Flex platform.
NOTE! These settings are only available for system administrator users.
Company settings
There are 2 tabs to this first view:
Company tab
Main company information can be changed here, including the company name, address, and contact details.
Settings tab
There are 4 drop-down areas:
Currency - You can change the currency settings, set a default currency.
Logo - you can upload the company logo.
Security Settings - Restricts access to a specific IP address(es). System administrators can access from anywhere.
- Contact settings - There are two checkboxes which if selected restrict viewing of users and contacts to per showroom.
To access click the settings cog at the top right of the Flex platform and, under Admin area on the left, select Showrooms.
Here you can create a new showroom or activate a deleted showroom. By clicking on the showroom row you can view details of the showroom, for example address, email, assigned users.
Within a company you can have more than 1 showroom.
Design Flex users - you will continue to manage your users on your Cyncly account.
To access click the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand menu bar and, under Admin area select Users.
The Users page shows a list of all users and their email addresses, along with the permissions set per showroom. In this list view you can click a column heading to change the sort order of the list.
You can export the list of users as a CSV file by clicking on the top right side of the Users page.
Create New User
- Click the icon on the top toolbar to begin creating a new user.
- Enter details for the title, names (included initials or the data won't appear in Our reference field) and contact details.
Note: Be careful when entering the email address, this will be used to receive the Flex registration email. The new user will need to follow the instructions on the email to activate their account.
Edit User
- Click an existing username to view the user information and edit it.
OR - Click between the username and email to select the line.
- Click Edit User on the top toolbar to view and edit the user details.
Disable User
Click between the username and email to select the line.
Click Disable User on the top toolbar to disable the user. This stops the user being able to login to the Flex platform or desktop app. A user who is disabled will have some fields in the user list in light grey text. The button will display Enable User if the user is already disabled. Changing the status could take up to 5 minutes to be applied.
Resend Invitation
Click between the username and email to select the line.
Click Resend Invitation to send the Flex user account invitation email again. You can do this in case it was not received successfully.
Delete User
Click between the username and email to select the line.
Click the Delete User icon on the top toolbar.
Note: If you delete an inactive/pending user it is a permanent delete. If you delete an active user it is a soft delete, this means if you recreate a user with the same email the user is reactivated exactly as they were.
User roles
User roles is where you create a group which defines roles for the users of the Flex platform. For example a sales person and a manager would need different types of access.
Winner Flex users - with synchronization enabled in Flex the roles are synchronized from your desktop software to the Flex platform. The roles are all visible within the Flex platform, however you should return to Winner desktop app to setup any new roles.
To access click the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand menu bar on the Flex platform and, under Admin area, select User roles.
Create a New User role
- Click Create New Role on the top toolbar to begin.
- Enter a name you will recognize into the Role Name box.
- Tick which sections of the Flex platform this user role provides access to. The main areas are:
- Contacts, if you check this box there are options of Can view or Can edit
- Projects, if you check this box there are options of Can view or Can edit
- Other users projects, if you check this box there are options of Can view or Can edit
- Documents, if you check this box there are options of Can view or Can edit
- Reports
- Showroom Management
- Usage logs
- Note for Winner Flex users: Flex pulls through both the default security roles set up in the Winner desktop app and ones specifically created by the administrator. These can then be selected if required by ticking the Winner Design checkbox and selecting from the drop-down field. - Click the Save role icon.
Note: To restrict access to a component, leave the box unticked.
Edit user roles
- Click once on a user role name to open it
OR - Select the line by clicking to the side of the user role name and you will see a side bar with a quick list of the access rights for that user role.
If you wish to see more information and to edit the permissions, select the line by clicking to the side of the user role name and click the button Edit Role on the top toolbar.
Assigning Users to a User role
Once you have at least 1 user role created:
- Go to the settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar and, under Admin area, select Users.
- In this list of users, if you click under the relevant showroom column, there is a drop-down box, which is defaulted to All rights, use this to select a user role for a user.
- Each showroom has a column so a user can have different user roles in different showrooms.
For further information see related articles.
Number range rules
To access click the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand menu bar on the Flex platform and, under Admin area, select Number range rules.
A number range rule is a setting for either payments, projects, contacts or invoices. A rule defines how the new payments, projects, contacts and invoices will be numbered in Flex.
Note: these options are dependent on your desktop app.
It is useful to set these rules at the beginning of using Flex so your order numbers and invoice numbers can run after your existing orders and invoices. You may decide to have different showrooms with a different number rule.
For detailed instructions on how to Create, Edit and Delete a rule see related articles Flex number range rules explained.
Custom Settings
To access click the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand menu bar on the Flex platform and, under Admin area, select Custom Settings.
Custom fields can be used to capture extra information that is not already built in to the Flex platform, for contacts, projects, and designs. When you add a field, it will be available on all contacts, projects or designs. For example, you may always want to capture special information about a contact and there is no box available in Flex by default. You should use a custom field to store this information.
The main view is split into 3 drop-down rows - Contacts, Projects and Designs.
Create a custom field
- Click on + Add Custom Field under the relevant drop-down.
- In the first column type a name for the field.
- In the Type column select from;
Text field – Input is a text box accepting letters and numbers
Check box – Input is a tick box (defaults un-ticked)
Date field – Input is formatted as a date (with a popup calendar)
- Click the Save Custom Fields button on the top toolbar.
Delete a custom field
To delete an existing custom field simply click the bin icon on the relevant row.
To access click the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand menu bar on the Flex platform and, under Admin area, select Locks.
This shows a view of all projects that are currently locked, which means the project is open for editing on another computer.
For information on how to unlock projects see related articles.
Licenses, Users Licenses and Log
Licenses - For detailed information see related articles Flex: Manage Licenses
User Licenses - For detailed information see related articles Flex: Manage Licenses
Usage Log - For detailed information see related articles Flex: Usage Log
Next step: Catalogue Selection
Related articles
How can I change my shop settings?
Winner Creating / Editing a role
How to assign roles to users in Flex
Flex: Number range rules explained
When does a project get locked?
Flex: Unlock a Project and Alternative