To add a user
- Go to the Flex platform.
- Click on the Settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar to access Admin area
- Under the heading Admin area click Users.
- Click on Create New User in the toolbar.
- Fill out the relevant details and click Save User.
Note: You must either give the new user access to a shop (see next section)
If you only want them to have limited access create a user role and assign them to it (click here for more information)
To assign a user to a shop
- Go to the Flex platform.
Click on the Settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar to access Admin area
Under the heading Admin area click Users.
Click between the username and email to select the line.
Under the Shop column heading you wish to assign the user to click on No Access and, from the drop-down list, select the type of access you wish to give them. If you have multiple shops you can assign them different types of access per shop:
Note: Any user roles you have created will appear with the other types of access in the drop-down list.
- Click OK to confirm the changes which can take up to 5 minutes to be active.
To edit a user
- Go to the Flex platform.
- Click on the Settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar to access Admin area
- Under the heading Admin area click Users.
- Click an existing username to view the user information and edit it.
- Click between the username and email to select the line.
- Click Edit User on the top toolbar to view and edit the user details.
- Click Disable User on the top toolbar to disable the user. This stops the user being able to login to the Flex platform or desktop app. A user who is disabled will have some fields in the user list in light grey text. The button will display Enable User if the user is already disabled. Changing the status could take up to 5 minutes to be applied.
- Click Resend Invitation to send the Flex user account invitation email again. You can do this in case it was not received successfully.
To delete a user
- Go to the Flex platform.
- Click on the Settings cog icon at the bottom of the left hand menu bar to access Admin area
- Under the heading Admin area click Users.
Click between the username and email to select the line.
Click the Delete User icon on the top toolbar.
Note: If you delete an inactive/pending user it is a permanent delete. If you delete an active user it is a soft delete, this means if you recreate a user with the same email the user is reactivated exactly as they were.
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