When worktops are not there or are not showing it is usually due to a collision. You can check for collisions in your plan by looking at your placed objects in the Plan window in Furnishing mode:
- Click on Furnishing mode
- In the plan, units and fillers should feature clean, unbroken lines when placed correctly next to each other. If they have collided, there will be dotted lines where the objects have crossed paths.
Collision of units 1 and 2 as shown by dashed line: -
If this is the case, move your unit or filler by clicking on the unit or filler, then click and hold the corner next to the object it collided with.
- Drag this corner snapping point to snap it to the adjacent unit or filler:
- Repeat points 3. and 4. for all objects with a dotted collision line.
If the worktop has not reappeared, go to the Worktop Scheme mode.
- Click on Worktop in the menu bar and select Recreate from drawing. This will discard all customisations of your worktops.