Adding a decor to a room surface (floor, ceiling, walls) is different to changing the colour or material of the whole surface, as mentioned in article Assign material to surface. Adding a decor means that you can detail a certain area of a room surface with a specific tile, colour or even make it invisible - such as if you place stairs going down under the floor. The Room surface decor properties window is accessed when you want to change details to a decor area.
Draw a decor area
Go to room definition mode. Highlight the desired room surface by either selecting a wall or, for floor or ceiling, go to the Room surfaces / Objects group box on the right of your screen.
- Click in the elevation window, so that it becomes active.
- Click on the Draw/edit decor area icon.
- Draw the area to have the decor in the elevation.
- The decor placed will have the default material set, and will be named with a descriptor such as "Floor decor level 1" in the right hand box. These numbers will match the list in the Room surface decor properties window.
- For more detailed instructions see article How can I draw different decors on one surface
Update a decor
- Access the Assign material to surface window by clicking the Edit colour settings icon:
- In the Assign material to surface window, scroll and find the corresponding decor descriptor, such as "Floor decor level 1"
- Once selected, click to highlight your material/colour and click OK. For more help on this window please see article Assign material to surface.
Access Room surface decor properties
- In Room definition mode, click on the room surface and click on the elevation window as in Draw a decor area.
- Click on the Draw decor area icon.
- Click on the Select tool icon.
- Click on the particular decor area in the elevation to highlight. The mouse will change to a hand.
NOTE: You can highlight many decors at the same time, by clicking on the actual decor areas as described above, and simultaneously holding the Shift Key down. The last selected decor will become the group’s snap-point. - Right-click and select Room surface decor properties.
- Do the alterations you want, and then click OK to save it.
- This group box shows all the decor materials/decor levels that are linked to the relevant alternative. There are 8 levels for walls, and 4 materials/levels for floors and ceilings.
- The decor level and name for each material is written under each material/level. In addition the breadth, height, rotation and joint width for the selected material is displayed.
- The materials that appear in this group box can be selected/altered via the Assign material to surface dialogue box in the room definition mode.
Related article
How can I draw different decors on one surface
Assign material to surface
How to draw a stairway into the floor, or ceiling
Wall decor edge locking