Window objects have the option to use blinds in its parameters.
From version 12.3a3 Blind Type 4 combines all previous blind types into one clear option. This means although the old blind types are now not selectable, you can achieve the same results all in Type 4.
Note: Any existing plans with old blind types will not be affected.
Follow the steps below to add the blinds.
In room definition mode:
- Double click on the window to open Object parameters.
- Select the option Blinds.
- The option Blinds, depth will change the distance between each blind, which will also change the number of blinds.
- The option Blinds, placement will move where the blinds are placed.
- The option Blinds, opening percentage will open the blinds.
- The option Blinds, automatic number of louvers will change the number of blinds.
- The option Blinds, number of louvers will change the number of blinds visible.
- The option Blinds, louver position will either open or close the blinds.
- Click OK to save the changes.