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  • Why are my orders are not being successfully sent via Tradeplace?

    Firstly ensure you have completed the full setup for Tradeplace see article How do I setup Tradeplace in Winner? and that your account is activated by the supplier.  Having done these two checks, i...

  • How to create a dormer window

    This article takes you through the steps of creating a simple dormer window: Before rendering: After rendering: Note: If you require a more complex structure, these can be created with a ...

  • How to create a roof lantern

    This article takes you through the steps of creating a simple roof lantern: Note: If you require a more complex structure please contact your local Support Team and provide them with photos or a di...

  • Windows with an embrasure or angled reveal

    In Winner, users can add windows with an embrasure. An embrasure, or angled reveal, is an opening in a wall which is bevelled or splayed out on the inside, as shown below:   To access a window for ...

  • How to change the user language

    In Winner Flex and Winner Design, you have the option to be able to change the language of the user interface.   Changing language in the desktop program At any level: In the menu bar, select Glob...

  • How to freedraw a rectangular countertop

    Winner automatically creates countertops over units placed on the floor, but sometimes you wish to draw a countertop freehand.  For example if a breakfast bar was against a wall but not attached to...

  • How to change salesperson and designer for a single project

    If you wish to change Salesperson and or the Designer for a single project at a time follow the instructions below. If you wish to change Salesperson and or the Designer for all projects done by a ...

  • How to delete core selections manually without CMC

    Suppliers sometimes add inflation surcharges without sending out new catalogue data. If you have special core selections which you download from our servers, you will need to delete these from your...

  • Automatic veneering of visible sides

    This procedure is used if you want to define cabinet veneering automatically. NOTE! This function is dependent on the catalogue and will only work for catalogues that are modified for automatic ven...

  • Automatically export ASCII file

    An ASCII file is a file format that contains data on the quotation, order confirmation and, invoice from your design. This can be used when an .ord file is required and it can be imported into othe...