Winner users can use their email user credentials and authorize their Winner system to send emails without taking any additional setup steps.
To setup email in Winner follow the steps below:
- Click Additional modules in the tool bar.
- Select eMail and then settings.
- In the Mail setup tab complete:
- Your mail address, Login and Password.
- Incoming and Outgoing server address for example for Microsoft Office this would be
- Ensure that the drop-down box Server type for incoming emails is set to IMAP4.
- In the Advanced setup tab tick the check box Use strong authentication (oAuth 2.0).
- Click Apply.
- This will open a web browser where you will be asked to sign into your account. Once filled in click Yes and a message will appear in the top left hand corner stating that the authentication has been completed.
- You can close the web browser and go back into Winner and click Yes to saving the changes and then Apply and close the window.
- To check that it is working correctly, go back into eMail settings and carry out a Sending test and Retrieving test.