These are step by step instructions to setup Tradeplace in Compusoft environment.
IMPORTANT: During this process some information that you have already entered within the Compusoft software will have to be entered again. The reason for this is that Tradeplace is a module and does not get the information automatically from the Compusoft Software. Going through the following procedure will ensure you have a successful registration.
Step 1 - Contact your suppliers and set them up in Winner
We strongly recommend that you contact your local representative for each supplier before setting up Tradeplace within Winner. This point is very important as your supplier will be involved in the registration process when he will need to enable your connection.
When contacting your supplier you should also request the following information that you will need during the setup process:
- customer code with the supplier
- ship to code for each delivery location
Setup your Supplier in Winner
- At project level:
- Go to Register on the menu bar and select Suppliers.
- In the suppliers list double-click the supplier to be edited.
Select a supplier and click the Edit button.
- In the Supplier information window select the Settings tab.
- Click the Winner extension name drop-down box and select TRADEPLACE.
- Click OK.
- Tradeplace is now enabled for this supplier.
Step 2 - Accessing settings
In the menu bar of Winner, access settings of the Tradeplace module by selecting Additonal modules > Tradeplace > Settings.
This will open a window with Tradeplace Settings this needs completing with your organisation's details. To do this follow Step 3 onwards.
Step 3 - Entering company information
Because Tradeplace is in a separate module, you need to re-enter your company information. The country you will be selecting is the country in which you are going to send your order.
IMPORTANT! this information will determine to which local supplier your order messages will be sent.
Step 4 - Adding suppliers
Catalogs and Customer code
In the settings window you need to add all the suppliers with which you intend to use Tradeplace. If you have completed Step 1, you have already contacted each supplier and have the necessary information to populate this section.
In order to add a supplier, click on Add New Supplier
This will open a popup window in which the supplier data must be specified.
First, from the Supplier drop-down menu, select all the catalogs that apply to the supplier you want to add. For example, if a supplier has only one catalog, pick this one. If the same supplier has two catalogs, select these two catalogs. In the screen below, two catalogs are selected.
Once you have selected the catalog, then select the Tradeplace ID for the supplier that is distributing this catalog (or these catalogs).
IMPORTANT! By this action you are linking the your catalog(s) to the Tradeplace supplier, enabling orders to be sent to the correct supplier.
Now select the code standard you want to use when sending your customer code to the supplier. Tradeplace handles two code types which are: OEM or GLN.
OEM is the code in the supplier system; you will have one code for each supplier.
- The acronym OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) defines intermediary companies whose commercial aim is to sell a manufacturer's products to end customers.
It is therefore an account number transmitted by a supplier to identify its distributor = "Customer account number" transmitted by the supplier.
GLN stands for Global Location Numbers. If you are using GLN, then you will send the same code to all your suppliers.
- The GLN (Global Location Number) or Operational Point is a worldwide code that identifies a location, it is an electronic address. Its purpose is to enable the exchange of information between companies in the distribution chain. Its mission is to identify a location in a unique and unambiguous way.
Add the code (in the customer code box) which you requested in Step 1 (OEM or GLN), for this supplier.
Once this is completed, click on Add.
Ship to Party
As soon as you click Add, you will be prompted for the ship to party code with a new popup window:
Ship to Party is a delivery location. You should specify all the delivery locations you intend to use with the Tradeplace suppliers. There should be at least one Ship To Party entered.
As with customer code, you need to specify the code type (GLN or OEM) you are going to use. Then enter the company name and address.
Once all fields are completed, click Add.
The list of entered Ship To Party (delivery locations) are now displayed.
If you wish to enter more delivery locations click on Add New Ship to party.
Click Close when you have finished.
All the information you entered is now listed on the screen.
Click on Add New Supplier to add another supplier.
For any suppliers you add, you can review and change the information before submission by clicking on to edit the Customer code and
to edit the delivery location(s).
Step 5 - Contacts
You need to specify contact people within your organisation. This is very useful for the suppliers and Tradeplace team, so they can contact the right person in your company.
Click on Add New Contact. It will display a popup screen:
You can specify two contacts (Main and Second). For each contact you add, please try and complete all fields. Email and Phone Number are important for future communication. Click Add.
Each time you add a contact it is displayed on the screen.
Step 6 - Register
Once you have keyed in all the relevant information for your registration, click Register to apply to Tradeplace. This is a semi automated process as suppliers need to validate your account. This process normally takes approximately 24 hours. To ensure a quick service, we strongly advise to complete Step 1 as soon as possible so that the suppliers will be waiting for your application and will hopefully check it promptly.
If everything is correct you will receive a confirmation screen.