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Recent activity by Caroline Recent activity Votes
  • Importing customised materials

    Personalise a drawing by importing images as customised materials.  The files you can import are: jpg, jpeg, tga, dds, png. They can be assigned to any drawing surface, e.g. as window background or...

  • System settings: Measurement

    The Measurement tab in System settings allows you to specify how measurements should behave and appear in the drawing.   Access the Measurement tab via Menu option: Global settings > System setting...

  • How to change the selected currency

    Note:  For Winner Flex users see article Winner Flex: How to change currency In Winner, users are able to change the default currency for new alternatives or change the currency for individual exis...

  • System settings: Currency

    The Currency settings window contains all currency codes that are registered in Winner. You can create new, edit or delete customised currency codes. The currency codes also contain all currency co...

  • Ordering and delivery: Order

    In Winner, the Ordering and delivery window is where users register supplier orders, and the expected and actual dates of deliveries. For more information on registering a supplier order, see How t...

  • How to send a supplier order

    In Winner, users can create, print and send an order via e-mail to a supplier in the the Ordering and delivery window. Users can also register After sales service costs. For a complete breakdown of...

  • Printing a Perspective drawing

    In Winner, when the user has chosen to print a Perspective drawing, the Select form: Perspective drawing window shows the range of options and forms available. For more information, see Printing th...

  • What are conditions and how do I use them?

    The purpose of making or editing Condition sets in catalogues is to make it possible to follow up limited promotions with special conditions/prices on different models or product groups. Conditions...

  • Catalogue information

    The Catalogue information window is to view and alter important information regarding the selected catalogue.  You can change how the price of groups is calculated, add or change information presen...

  • Winner Design: Adding multiple attachments to an e-mail

    In Winner Design, users can send several attachments, for example printouts and exported files, in the same e-mail. To send multiple attachments in a single e-mail, users must add all the necessary...