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Recent activity by Sue Recent activity Votes
  • Inspire: Settings for a specific Showcase Gallery

    To access the Showcase 360 space from Winner, click on the Showcase icon:       To edit the appearance of a Showcase Gallery Choose a showcase from the main menu and click on it. Click on Settings...

  • How to store administrator rights for Winner

    Note! The following article is intended for IT service support professionals only. Note! Due to technical content, the following article is only available in English (EN-GB). To ensure Winner funct...

  • Flex: How to request a catalog

    Requesting a catalog through the Flex platform is a simple and easy process.  Search through the extensive database of catalogs available on our website and send the request at the click of a butto...

  • Release Notes v12.2a4.7

    Fixed issues  Crash when changing model or colour of the worktop Minor bug fixes

  • Flex: Documents

    In this article you will learn about Global documents, how to attach/upload a New Document, open the Whiteboard, open a Document for editing, access and edit a Document's Properties, Send documents...

  • Inspire: How to Manage a Gallery

    In this article are instructions on: The Showcase gallery toolbar icons The Showcase gallery plan previews How to delete a plan from a Showcase gallery Adding plans to your Showcase gallery Display...

  • Creating a backup of Winner Design

    Winner Design users can create a backup or copy of their Winner Design data to preserve it in case of security issues, data loss or hardware failure. Users who are moving their Winner Design instal...

  • Release Notes v12.2a4.6

    Fixed issues  Certain projects caused Winner to not respond and freeze in some cases Comments on inner wall mistakenly couldn’t get deleted after adding Fixed bug where a plinth sometimes got draw...

  • Flex: Contacts

    In this article you will look at the Contacts Toolbar and what it gives access to, how to add a New Contact, how to view or edit Contact details and how to Delete a contact. For information on how ...

  • Inspire: How to Create a Gallery

    A Showcase acts like a folder which you can populate to create a Gallery. To do this:   On the main menu, Click on CREATE SHOWCASE and the following window appears: Enter the Name of your showcase...