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  • What are Tonemapper settings used for?

    Before you export a rendered image (see Present: Exporting a Design), we recommend doing an on screen render.  When you render a perspective on screen (Ctrl + R), the Tone mapper settings window op...

  • Calculate how many tiles are used in a design

    Winner automatically calculates the amount of tiles and surface area for other materials used in an alternative. Follow the steps below to create a printout of the room surface material usage.    A...

  • Tiles over worktop

    Tiles above the worktop can be set up to be placed automatically via the Draw settings window. This window opens automatically when you start a new alternative; see the article Drawing settings for...

  • Why are the retail prices in brackets in the select product window?

    When you are selecting a product you can show the retail prices (for more information see Furnishing mode, select product).   If the prices shown under Retail price are in brackets, then the code i...

  • What is Showcase 360?

    Welcome to the Compusoft Showcase 360 Service.This service offers two complementary solutions: Showcase collaborate and Showcase Inspire.In this continuously changing world, you need tools which wi...

  • How to price countertops

    On most floor or base units, countertops are added by default. At this stage these countertops are not coded, so are not priced automatically, therefore the item lines are not added to the quotatio...

  • How to build a dovetailed or sideboard countertop

    Countertops can be a great design feature in a kitchen. Winner offers the possibility to install several types of countertops connected to the floor. This article instructs you how to install a sid...

  • How to add ceiling filler above cabinets

    You can fill the space between the top of a cabinet and the ceiling by adding ceiling fillers or bulkheads:   Click on Alternative in the Menu bar and select Settings, or press F7 on your keyboar...

  • Importing an alternative from one project into another

    Sometimes you may want to import an existing alternative from one project into another. This is possible in Winner and Winner Flex.    In Winner  Open the project you want to import the existing a...

  • How to edit or delete a macro in furnishing mode

    In Winner, users can edit or delete created macros. For example, the properties of a macro can be edited, or the contents can be amended to suit a different design. For more information on creating...