
  • Total activity 21
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Latest activity by Bryan
  • Bryan created an article,

    How to change the ceiling height

    The default ceiling height in Winner is set at 2400.  You may wish to change this - for example if you have a pitched roof, you first need to set the ceiling height to the highest point before addi...

  • Bryan created an article,

    Using a csv file to create a data catalogue

    To import your own CSV file, or even create your own data catalogue by using Microsoft Excel, you will first need to create a catalogue template from inside Winner.   Step 1: Create a blank catalog...

  • Bryan created an article,

    How to export a quotation as a PDF

    In Winner, users can export a quotation as a .pdf file.   At Project level: Select the desired Alternative and click the Print icon: In the Confirm window, select Yes or No Note: For more informat...